Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday Scribblings #91 - Follow

When I read or hear the word "follow",
It's a reminder to me to always
Follow my heart.
I spent a good 30 years figuring that out and won't look back on that life lesson.
We are wiser about our own needs than we could ever fathom.
(Take that from someone who has been to the brink of death and back).


  1. Wise. Yes. There's something about brinking and surviving death that sets up a new and fresher mindset. Nice post!

  2. life is a journey. i don't think i'll have everything figured out in my 30s, 40s, 50s, or 80s.

    following your heart is a good one to figure out. glad you found it sooner than later

  3. I'm so glad to have you back....Mom

  4. Its so in line with one of my favourite quotes,"If you do not live for yourself , who will?" . . .Glad your back:)
