Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday Scribblings #90 - Language

Language is so much more than words. Well, technically, it's both bigger and smaller than words, but....I spent 6 years in university conceptualizing about that and, well, I'm done with that.

No language is not only the syntax trees or the SVO sentences of my undergrad linguistics classes.
Nor is it just about the phonotactic rules or the morphological patterns uncovered in my fourth year Swahili course.

Language is more than what sets order to mathematical systems, artificial languages, and computer programming.

Language is in a look, wrapped around gestures and floating through colours and songs.
Language is hidden in hugs and upturned lips parted when laughing.
Language flirts with the breeze and makes us huddle inwards to stay warm.
Language is in images and movement and the sparkle of our eyes.
Language rides on my breath and collides with space.
Language is opaque, slippery, a rusty bolt.


  1. I love the line, "Language rides on my breath and collides with space." I picture this a visible breath on a cold morning.

  2. the swahili course sounds cool! i like your thoughts on language.

  3. Such great images for this prompt! I like the rusty bolt, upturned lips and huddling to stay warm. Very nicely done.

  4. "Language is in a look, wrapped around gestures and floating through colours and songs."

    Well said, this paints such a picture!
