Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Scribblings #73 - Stranger

You know what?

I've been privileged to have many teachers in my life.

And it hasn't been trained professionals that have made their marks.

Nope, it's been strangers who have taught me the most valuable lessons.

Think about it.....the guy on the corner asking for money who made me realize that I feel empathy.

And what about the yoga teacher whose class I happened upon last year who taught me about how to make students feel welcome?

There was the barista who demonstrated that it's possible to turn a porn shop into a community hub.

And then the man who found me via a friend 2 months after I lost my USB key to tell me he'd found it and is concerned that I get it back. He taught me the "do unto others" rule all over again.

Also, the cop last week who pulled me over for speeding but made it so I wouldn't lose any points. He taught me about kindness.

I have so much to learn. And I don't need a special teacher.

Strangers will do just fine.


  1. I try to learn something off everybody I meet. One girl taught me how to peel oranges with a spoon. How strange's that?

    Cool post!

  2. I agree. Life, in all it's moments, is a great teacher - if only we pay attention!

  3. you are totally right, we have so much to learn

  4. so true!!
    many a times strangers have proven me wrong- they've even restored my faith in humanity
    grrrrrrrreat post


  5. Ah, isn't it amazing when strangers surprise us with how amazing they are? Wonderful to know about your experiences.

  6. strangers aren't always strange at all! :)

  7. This post reminds me of "random acts of kindness" and makes me wish we lived in a community of such strangers. Nice meme.

  8. This is the nicest blog I've read. Thank you for reminding me that it is the everyday things we do that count ya MOM
